When you’re taking care of all the people…

It’s a given: you love your family.

That is evident in the way you give endlessly of yourself. But you’re burned out. Losing your patience. Feeling an elusive sense of dissatisfaction that this can’t be all there is to life. You’re overwhelmed by the piles of clothes and clutter and dishes while juggling all the schedules. Not to mention feeling split between managing what’s going on at home and what you are passionate about. It’s difficult to prioritize time for yourself.

It feels counterintuitive but sometimes the best way to take care of your people is by taking care of yourself, too.

You need a space that’s just yours.

You don’t have many [or any] spaces like that in your life. Where you get to be the focus. You’ve lost touch with yourself and you would really like to reconnect with parts of you [new + old] that you haven’t been able to find for a while.

I want to help you recenter and reorient around the things that matter most

in a quiet place

where you can notice your breath

and hear yourself think

and find yourself again.